Josef "Sepp" Würmheller was born in Hausham/Oberbayern on 4 May 1917. Joining I/JG 53 in 1939, he was shot down twice. Transferring to III/JG 2 in July 1941, Sepp scored 10 times in May 1942 and another 12 aircraft fell to his guns in June. Flying with a broken leg over Dieppe during the famous Raid on 19 August 1942, seven British aircraft were added to his score. Oberfeldwebel Würmheller received the Knights Cross on 4 September 1941 after 24 victories, to be followed by the Oakleaves on 13 November 1942. A midair collision with one of his own pilots brought an abrupt end to the career of Major Würmheller, considered one of the best fighter pilots on the English Channel. His total score: 102 kills (9 on the Eastern Front), 13 Bombers were also included in this impressive score. The Swords bestowed on Sepp after his death on 24 October 1944 as 108th soldier of the Wehrmacht.